Live Vegan and Prosper

Long before I was Vegan I was a Star Trek Next Generation Trekkie. My husband, kids, and I used to watch it together. I think I have seen every episode at least once.

I used to think (and still do) that Star Trek represented the Utopian future. No war on Earth. And although I didn’t realize it at the time, a Vegan world. Food came from replicators – not animals. No discrimination against humans of another race, or non-human animals.

The Prime Directive was the guiding principle of Starfleet, as they explored the galaxy. It prohibited “Starfleet personnel and spacecraft from interfering in the normal development of any society.” And considered “the right of each sentient species to live in accordance with its normal cultural evolution… sacred.” This sounds like Veganism – applied to all sentient species in the galaxy.

Yes, Gene Roddenberry created the future I dreamed of, and still do.

Since becoming Vegan in 2013, I see the world in a completely different light. I spend my time with Vegans and animal rights activists, many of whom have businesses. Some small. Some not so small.

Let’s support each other in business and life.


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