Eye Love Balance is a one stop destination to help you with a variety of things!
The MAIN GOAL is to have you join our online monthly membership where we warmup actively to star for 5-10 minutes, we then MOVE functional for another 45 minutes, then we stretch to mellow down and nurture our bodies, and then we meditate with visualization and manifestation techniques for 7 minutes, opening with our OMS to let the throat chakra flow, and then we finish with a Vipassana style technique for 21 more minutes together. This class happens EVERY Monday, Wednesday and Friday at NOON EST.
Then we have a bonus Yoga/Stretch (45 mins) & Meditation (same as during the week) on Sundays at 8PM EST. We all meet on ZOOM and elevate the frequency worldwide.
The people already involved and a part of the community are plant-based newbies, vegans and AR activists. JOIN US!